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Bendix King Kx 165 Service 14: The Benefits of Using the NAV/COMM with an HSI System


Manufacturer: Bendix/King Description: VHF Comm Transceiver/Navigation Receiver 27.5VPart Number: 069-1025-25 Model Number: KX 155A Serial Number: 59752 Condition: This item has multiple surface scratches, corrosion, and warped screens as shown in pictures. Other Information: This item is sold as is, purchased from an estate sale/auction. We offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee minus original shipping charges if the item is in unworking condition.

Bendix King Kx 165 Service 14

Repair and Alteration Classification. Only those persons with 43.7 authorization may approve an aircraft, airframe, engine, propeller, appliance, or component part for return to service after the performance of a repair or alteration. You must perform major repairs and major alterations using technical data approved by the Administrator. You may perform minor repairs and alterations using technical data acceptable to the Administrator.

The PAI-700 TSO'd Vertical Card Compass is manufactured exclusively by Precision Aviation, Inc. This non-liquid (dry) type compass is magnet driven thus it is subject to lead and lag, however, these tendencies are greatly reduced due to the absence of pendulosity. It is inherently stable due to the use of eddy current damping which is a natural phenomenon built into the basic design and as such has no overshoot. The PAI-700 has been designed to replace the float/liquid type compasses eliminating leaking fluid or backward azimuth readings. Available for Southern and Northern Hemisphere and different supply systems (5V, 14V and 28V). Precision Avionics Inc. also manufactures different compass brackets for overhead or glare shield mounting.

OMRON A3C series cylindrical pushbutton switches have the basic design as the M2C Series cylindrical indicators. They provide a high-intensity uniform surface lighting while they have a miniature size with excellent feeling of operation. They have a cylindrical 20-mmX12-dia. body making panel cutouts easier. These switches are offered in lighted and non lighted versions, different colors, display shapes, with LED or incandescent lamps and different socket units. Please consult the attached documentation for ordering.

UMA Electronic Hydraulic Pressure Gauges are offered in TSO'd and Non TSO'd models and 1-1/4" or 2-1/4" diameters to fit respective aircraft panel openings. They are housed in aluminium or Valox 420 plastic cases (depending on the model) and connect to precision, high pressure transducers which mount directly to the aircraft's hydraulic system. Standard markings are black and white. Recommended for new design projects and applications.

63P is a very clean IFR Piper Apache (PA-23-E) equipped with two Lycoming O-320B 160h.p. engines. This is a very roomy 4-place aircraft (larger than a Seneca) with a useful load of 1,500lbs, no zero fuel weight and a single engine service ceiling of 5,700ft at gross weight. Avionics include a King KX-165 Comm/Nav. with a NSD-360 H.S.I., King KX-155 Comm/Nav. with glide-slope, King KT-74 ADS-B transponder, King KMA-24 audio panel, iPad mini with ADS-B traffic, ADS-B weather ForeFlight and a Brittan single axis autopilot. This aircraft is used for Instrument, Commercial, Flight Instructor training and rental. This twin can be rented by DuBois Aviation trained Commercial and Commercial add-on students only.

It always pays to plan ahead. And with the Bendix/King KX 155 and KX165 NAV/COMM'S "stay ahead" frequency pre-planning is push button simple. Both NAV and COMM frequency displays on these units incorporate the popular"flip-flop" preselect feature. So, you can set up en route or approach frequencychangeovers well in advance of your actual transition point or ATC handoff sequence fortrue "stay ahead" flight management. Just select your upcoming NAV or COMM frequency in the "standby" (STBY) display,and you're all set to "flip flop" it into "active" status at the pressof a button. This function may also be controlled from an optional remote mounted switch. Both "active" and "standby" frequencies are displayed simultaneously,so you never have to worry about what's being stored. And there's no chance ofinadvertently erasing a frequency just when you need it most. An innovative non-volatile memory circuit holds all the displayed frequencies instorage-through aircraft shutdowns or momentary power interruptions-without the need forbattery power of any kind. Large, self-dimming, microprocessor-controlled gas discharge readouts and solid-stateelectroinc tuning provide fast, accurate selection of all 200 NAV and 760 COMMfrequencies-and both the KX 155 and KX 165 feature a built-in 40 channel glideslopereceiver. (As an option, they're also available without the glideslope.) On the Comm side, both the KX 155 and KX 165 systems give you 10 watts minimum transmitterpower for maximum range and clarity. And on the NAV side, the KX 165's useful "Radial" feature offers you an instantreadout of th radial you're on (from the "active" VORTAC station ) digitallydisplayed in the "standby" NAV frequency window. This Radial readout doesn'tinterfere wirh either your "active" or "standby" NAV frequencies.(However, the NAV "standby" frequendy does go into non-displayed storage, andthe "active" frequency then becomes linked for direct tuning through thefrequency selector knobs.) Thus, with both "active" and "standby"frequencies continuously available, it's easy to perfom a quick crossfix check by simplypressing the "flip-flop" button and noting the displayed radial from each of thetwo selected VORTACs.The lower-cost KX-155 system is virtually identical in appearance to the KX-165; however,it doesn't include the digital Radial readout feature. Also, the KX-155 requires anexternal VOR/LOC converter (usually included in the appropriate Bendix/King NAV indicator)while the KX-165 comes with a built in VOR/LOC converter designed to interface directlywith any ARINC standard CDI or HSI display.Each of these NAV/COMM units weighs less than 6 lbs. and stands only 2 inches high in yourSilver Crown stack-making them the smallest-efficient packages you can buy anywhere. Bothare available in either 14 or 28 volt DC configurations for easy installation in anyaircraft.NOTE:Avionics installations require special skills, tools and test equipment. TheBendix/King full year warranty is valid only for equipment installed by an AutorizedBendix/King Sales and Service Center. 2ff7e9595c

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