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Leg 5 Episode 3

OK, your turn. What did you think of the episode? How cruel was the show, making Bob so damn lovable and then killing him off? Who do you think is behind Daryl? Carol? Beth? Morgan? Hit the comments!

Leg 5 Episode 3

Meanwhile, the flashback in the episode's opening scene takes young John at a fiery board meeting with fellow ranchers angry over the loss of cattle at the hands of preying wolves. Fish and Game officials aren't buying that wolves are roaming the area killing cattle, and one official tells John that "their fear is not fact-based" and that it's based on "rumors and media-fueled hysteria."

Lost in the rollercoaster episode is Walker (Ryan Bingham) reuniting with an old flame, Laramie (Hassie Harrison), who get reacquainted in a shower scene that turns into ripping Lloyd over his age. They can't believe he's only 58 and not 70.

Speaking of Jude, the episode starts with Conrad and Dr. Silva in a bike race. They are raising money for a local organization, but as they pass the finish line, a drunken fan, Hank, trips over a bike and breaks his leg. They rush him to the hospital, noticing he has Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and eyes. It seems our drunken friend has drank so much, his liver became paralyzed. Acute hepatitis. Hank swears when he gets discharged, he will quit, go to AA. Conrad believes him, but Jude does not. Seeing as later in the episode, we spot Hank in his cast at the bar. Some addictions cannot be given up quickly.

So Dunham carefully lays out the arguments from both sides. (And in this episode the protagonist feels more like a doppelganger for Dunham herself than the much-less-logical character of Hannah.) She combats the oft-given argument that accusers lie for publicity: they take a risk by coming out and exposing themselves to harassment from skeptics in the form of trolling, death threats and even physical confrontation. But she also concedes that trigger-happy bloggers and journalists can sometimes condemn men without all the evidence.

The ending of episode 12 was the ultimate cliffhanger, implying that something big was just around the corner. After deserting his post, Noh Tae Nam was assigned to the frontlines. He was shocked to find out that Sergeant Ahn Su Ho (Ryu Seong Rok), who had been especially kind to him, was actually the man behind the special privileges case. It turns out that Sergeant Ahn Su Ho knew of Noh Tae Nam all along thanks to being previously informed by Do Bae Man. When he realized that Noh Tae Nam was also catching on to this, his attitude changed 180 degrees, even conducting forms of violence. The scene closed with a blood-covered Noh Tae Nam holding a pistol in his hand, surrounded by soldiers fallen dead by gunshot. 2ff7e9595c

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