The Underlying Cause of Death database contains mortality and population counts for all U.S. counties. Data are based on death certificates for U.S. residents. Each death certificate identifies a single underlying cause of death and demographic data. The number of deaths, crude death rates or age-adjusted death rates, and 95% confidence intervals and standard errors for death rates can be obtained by place of residence (total U.S., region, state and county), age group (single-year-of age, 5-year age groups, 10-year age groups and infant age groups),race, Hispanic ethnicity, gender, year, cause-of-death (4-digit ICD-10 code or group of codes), injury intent and injury mechanism, drug/alcohol induced causes and urbanization categories.Data are also available for place of death, month and week day of death, and whether an autopsy was performed.
The Death of Spider-Man download
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Before their deaths, however, Richard and Mary had another child unknown to Peter, a daughter and Peter's younger sister, Teresa.[86] Following his parents' death, a young Parker was adopted by his uncle and aunt, Ben and May Parker, moving in with them at their residence in Forest Hills, New York. After their adopting of him, they became his surrogate parents and raised him as if he were their own son. Over the years into being a teenager, Parker grew to be a prodigy in multiple scholastic subjects at Midtown High School and achieving high honors among his classmates. However, his reserved nature and enthusiasm for knowledge often made him a target for bullying, primarily football star Eugene "Flash" Thompson.
The first problem young Peter faced was the lack of money with the death of his uncle. Due to the fact that his Aunt May was too weak to work, and Peter was seen as fragile, he decided to get a job, even though Aunt May wanted him to become a scientist instead. Peter even thought about using his spider powers for crime out of desperation but decided against it after thinking how his Aunt would react to him in jail.
They battled on a rooftop and Captain Stacy died when saving a child from falling debris. Before dying, Stacy revealed to Spider-Man he knew his identity and asked him to take care of Gwen.[164] Being accused of Stacy's death, Spider-Man faced some heroes who wanted to take him to authorities, such as the X-Man Iceman[165] and the beginner hero the Prowler.[166] Peter even went to London to prevent Gwen's departure forever, after her father's death.[167]
Norman Osborn's alter-ego resurfaced again and the Green Goblin kidnapped Gwen Stacy. Spider-Man found them at the Brooklyn Bridge, where they fought, and Gwen fell from the bridge. She died when Spider-Man reached her with a web-line, breaking her neck.[171] The Goblin escaped. A furious Peter searched, found, and battled him again. In this battle Norman has impaled with his own Goblin Glider, apparently killing himself. Peter was extremely distraught over the death of Gwen, possibly even more so than when Uncle Ben died. An equally traumatized Mary Jane tried to comfort Peter after Gwen's death; she was initially brushed off, but they eventually got closer.[172]
After being accused of the death of both Stacys, and attending Gwen's funeral as Peter, Spider-Man was confronted by heroes such as Power Man[173] and the Punisher.[174] Later, Harry, who had discerned Spider-Man's identity and wanted revenge for his father's death, took the Green Goblin mantle and kidnapped Flash Thompson, Mary Jane and Aunt May in an attempt to lure him out and kill him. Spider-Man managed to find him at his father's old home and defeated him, leaving him to the authorities. Harry was sent to an asylum.[175]
With the help of Ned Leeds, Spider-Man found out that this Gwen was a clone created by the Jackal, who, after defeating Spider-Man with the help of Tarantula, was revealed to be Peter's professor, Miles Warren.[177] After kidnapping Leeds and Spider-Man, Warren explained to the hero that he loved Gwen and blamed Spider-Man for her death. And after managing to clone a frog, he used a blood sample from Gwen to clone her. Later, Spider-Man was left unconscious in a stadium, where he battled a clone of himself to save Ned from a bomb.
As Peter's powers returned, however, he and Ben began to contemplate the possibility of both of them acting as Spider-Man after the recent war against Onslaught resulted in the loss of the FF and so many of the Avengers. This plan was cut short when Mary Jane was rushed to hospital while giving birth due to an unexpected medical emergency, later revealed to have been staged by Norman Osborn, the original Green Goblin; Osborn had survived his apparent death due to an unexpected increased healing factor as part of his powers that nobody had known about before.
Having stolen the body of Parker's baby, the Goblin revealed that he had manipulated the tests that confirmed that Peter was the clone and Ben the original with the goal of destroying Peter's life, angered when Peter had managed to move past that revelation to make a new life for himself. During the subsequent confrontation, Ben Reilly jumped in front of the Goblin's glider when he sent it flying towards Peter, sacrificing himself to save Parker. Reilly's body disintegrated after his death, finally convincing Peter that he was the original. Due to this "revelation" and the fact that his daughter had died, Peter once again became Spider-Man.[206][207][208][209][210]
Peter soon encountered villains linked to him through his new-found nature as a Spider-Totem. The first of them was Morlun, who almost beat Spider-Man to death, and seemingly met his end after Peter injected himself with a lethal dose of radiation, which hurt Morlun whenever they made contact and weakened him enough for his servant Dex to take the opportunity and shoot him down. Following the exhausting encounter with Morlun, Peter let his guard down, allowing Aunt May to discover his secret identity when she entered his apartment and found him sleeping with his tattered costume on the floor.[224] After May came to grips with the fact her nephew was Spider-Man, their relationship grew stronger than ever.[225] Mary Jane Watson also returned to Peter's life, and both lovers reunited for good.[222]
Shortly after joining the New Avengers, Peter discovered that his powers were weakening for some reason. Knowing the situation was hopeless, Morlun got into a fight with him and brutally defeated him, even ripping his left eye out and eating it. The bloodied Spider-Man was rushed to the hospital with extreme wounds. Morlun attacked him there again. MJ attempted to stop him, but Morlun threw her across the room and broke her arm. However, Peter woke up and his savage, animalistic spider-side took over, developing sharp teeth and stingers in his wrists. He killed Morlun in front of Mary Jane, succumbing to his injuries and dying after. Iron Man took away Peter's body, but as the New Avengers mourned over his presumed death in another room, Spider-Man's body disappeared, leaving behind a shed skin. It turned out that his body had briefly sprung to life and formed a cocoon underneath the George Washington Bridge. In the cocoon, a voice told Peter he never understood what he was and is too scared to truly be a "Spider-Man," only focusing on his human part and not his spider part.
He planned to liquidate his assets and flee the country in case his unmasking caused any problems, but his family suggested against it, believing that Peter needed to get recognition for his actions. With Iron Man at his side, at a live press conference in Washington, D.C., Peter unmasked and said: "My name is Peter Parker, and I have been Spider-Man since I was 15 years old." His siding with the pro-registration heroes also saw him gaining the "Iron Spider" armor, which Stark had been building since Peter's death and resurrection.[236]
Spider-Man was one of the few heroes who did not accept the general amnesty after the arrest and the death of Captain America, continuing to work with the underground New Avengers.[246][89] Peter took Cap's death hard, even blaming himself for his death despite not being present at the shooting. After an encounter with Rhino and receiving condolence from Wolverine, Spider-Man watched Cap's funeral on TV with the New Avengers; when the team discussed why they didn't go, he said they could not risk getting arrested by Tony Stark on the spot.[247]
Realizing he could not afford for his identity to be public knowledge, Peter agreed to aid the Scarlet Spiders in return for their help in re-establishing his secret identity. Telling the media that Parker was part of their team but was discharged and drawing confusion as to if Parker is the first and only Spider-Man.[251] Towards the end of his search, Peter even had an encounter with the One-Above-All, who asked Peter to let his Aunt go, saying death it's a natural part of life.[252] 2ff7e9595c